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Listen to talks, conferences, panel discussions and more to hear from, and engage with experts in the domain of Radiology and Artificial Intelligence. All talks are open to all knowledge levels and challenge you to think about the implications of Artificial Intelligence in your future career.

Time: Approx. 1:03 hours viewing time

Panel: Mattew Lungren and others

Pathways to Careers in AI and Medicine

By Stanford AIMI


In this eighth episode of 'AI happy hours' series, a panel discussion consisting of medical practitioners and engineers debate what impact the emerging world of IT and AI have on the profession of the medical experts. Topics like the balancing of IT and clinical competencies, overcoming the 'Imposter syndrome' and practical advise to get started in advise are discussed. Last, the panel  discus some exciting new projects on the horizon.

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Time: 15 - 30 minutes per potcast

Panel: Guest Speakers

EUSOMII on Air potcasts



In this podcast series, UESOMII invites professionals in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Radiology and other medical fields to talk about their experiences with machine Learning in the field and more. This podcast series takes real-world examples from professionals which makes it very accessible and engaging. Do not hesitate to also check-out their website for more rich and useful resources by clicking here.

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