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The AI Learning Lab

The innovative platform for learning about medical AI

Providing a novel opportunity for integrating knowledge and research

across multiple domains:

Medical Practice & Education

Development Of AI

Work & Organizational Learning

Brain Scans

For Medical Professionals

Experience various AI applications under different realistic workflow scenarios, and gain a deep, critical understanding of how to best work with medical AI.


For AI Developers

Obtain insights from realistic user interactions regarding how your applications can support the work and learning of medical professionals.

Image by Sigmund

For Organizational Scholars

Discover novel ways of research and new findings about the effectiveness and challenges of using AI applications under different working scenarios.

The Project

A VU x LUMC Collaboration

The AI Learning Lab is a concept created by the minds behind Rethinking Radiology, and is being developed & implemented by a multidisciplinary team of academics and medical professionals from the VU Amsterdam & Leiden UMC.

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Scientist on Tablet

The Purpose

A Scientific Why

The AI Learning Lab aims to solve a critical lack in the current curricula of classic medical training, basing its value proposition on the necessities that have been identified by our team of academic and medical experts.

The Progress

From Concept

to Completion

The design of the AI Learning Lab is heavily rooted in a scientific, iterative process that offers a continual trajectory of improvement. This has spawned a conceptual design, of which a pilot implementation is expected Q4 2023.   

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Laptop Work


Interested in participating in the Learning Lab? Or curious about our new scientific findings? Enter your email below and we will keep you updated on our latest developments!

Thanks for submitting!

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